
Showing posts from November, 2021

bitmoji classroom


Learning-related meme


Blog Journal #9

      This year, distance learning has gone by smoothly for me. Last year was my first year taking classes online, and I had an extremely difficult time adjusting to the online material. This year I know what to expect, so taking online classes has fit perfectly into my schedule. When I'm a teacher, something that I would like to do to make distance learning easier is create weekly online meetings for students that are struggling. This way, students will be able to address any problems or concerns they may have.      Open Educational Resources (OER's) are educational tools that people students can use on their own, or edit and change. These are open, meaning that they allow students to use them for free. These can be shared and kept among students as well. Many teachers love to use OER's within their classroom, because it is a free way for their students to learn a plethora of new information.